our virtual dance studio

This is a tough period for all of us.
It is so for Little Big Apple as well.

What is our current situation?

In these times where most of us have to stay at home, many different activities have been severely affected. That is the case of culture and the arts, of which Little Big Apple is a part of, and where the impact is huge.
In particular, due to the fixed nature of our studio and team and thus of our costs, it really is crucial for the sustainability of this project for it to remain active.

What is our role?

Your participation and contribution make this possible. With mutual support we can sustain all of us, including Little Big Apple. And that is why, from our side, we are determined to give you the best that is possible to us during these hard, weird times.

Our plan.

The way we have come up with to do this is through Little Big Connection – our cosy, virtual dance studio. Here, we will keep alive not only our connection with dance, which has united us so much, as well as the welcoming and familiar community that this connection has created and continues to create.

Online Classes, Online Community

Little Big Connection manifests itself in a Facebook group where, every month, we will share recorded and live content on the four styles we have at the school – Lindy Hop, Balboa, Collegiate Shag and Solo Jazz – as well on other topics, such as physical training, fun stuff or any challenges that we find interesting to share with you.

Isolated, but Connected.

The Little Big Connection Group

  • Content

    Created by our team and Partner Schools

  • Videos

    At least 4 videos per week – Lindy Hop, Solo Jazz, Shag, Balboa, Fitness and others

  • Format

    [5 to 60 min] pre-recorded classes and Live Streams, shared in a private group, to which you’ll always have access via Facebook

  • Levels

    Classes for different levels, from beginner to advanced

  • Feedback

    Share your practices with us and get personal feedback on them from the LBA team

Partner Swing Schools

Expect having classes from these schools
Swing Aut – Austria
Swing Aut
Dusty Jazz – Italy
Dusty Jazz
Swing It – Israel

International Teachers

Expect to have classes from these teachers with international experience
Cátia Fonseca
David Afonso
Giulia Cicerale
Stefano Tertulliani
Ron Dobrovinsky
Sharon Dobrovinsky
Nora Locher
Dom Knoll
Tomer Bernard
Other International Teaching Guests


To participate in Little Big Connection.
Any active contribution will be converted into credit for regular classes once the studio reopens!
  • Monthly Pass

  • 30month
  • (less than 1.8€ / class)
  • Trimester Pass

  • 25month
  • (less than 1.6€/ class)

    75€ every 3 months.

  • Extra Contributions

  • ?mês
  • We are deeply grateful. Get in touch.

It has always been Little Big Apple’s policy that money should never be a reason for someone not to have access to our community.

If you want to support the project but do not have the means to afford a regular subscription, please reach out to us.


If you’d like to do a simple donation, please use the methods bellow

Note that in order to have access to the group we’d like you to fill the form bellow

Bank Transfer (SEPA)

IBAN: GB40REVO00997037491699




I want to help. How can I contribute?
A thousand (virtual) hugs and kisses to you. It is due to people like you that we continue to believe in this project and investing our time, energy and resources into it.
For now, sign up for Little Big Connection.
You can also share the news with friends and recommend that they participate as well. We will be having content for total beginners who just want to get started in this dance thing. It could be an interesting novelty for those who have to stay at home during these times.
Remember to contact other local projects that you value, as they will surely also be in need of support.
Are you also going through a rough phase and can’t afford the regular subscription, but still want to help? Get in touch with us. At Little Big Apple we believe that money should never be a reason to not have access to this community.
Great! How can I sign up?
The project is taking place in a Facebook group, which not only allows us to stay connected but is also neatly organized and structured for e-learning, with course units and a way to keep track of your progress in them.
You can find the sign up form at the bottom of this page.
Once you sign up, we’ll reply with details on how you can contribute. Once everything is taken care of, we’ll add you to the group where you will be able to do all the classes, participate in challenges, begin preparing for the crazy choreos we’ll all be doing together at the Little BIG Comeback Party (????) and keep alive the familiar goofiness and sharing spirit that we’ve all become used to.

Se if you are already our student you should have received emails, Facebook notifications and maybe even phone calls from us about current credit balances and other details. If not, just ask us!

What kind of content will I find over at Little Big Connection?
We are working in order to create content in different styles and formats, aimed at plenty of levels and experience and always with the focus on the possibility to do it alone from home.
Still, this is a dynamic process. We’ll be paying attention to what you guys watch, what you mark complete, what you comment or react to and so on, so the more feedback we have the better and more accurate the project can be!
If you have any ideas or suggestions for content, we would be super happy to hear them. This is for you!
Who will be creating content? Only LBA members?

In truth, it’s not just Little Big Apple who are in a dire situation. Many teachers internationally have seen much or all of their income vanish all of a sudden.

For this reason, Little Big Apple used its network to establish partnerships with other schools and teachers across Europe in order to bring their content to Little Big Connection, as a way to support them as well.

Why Facebook?

To find a platform that works for everyone, especially in such short notice, is not easy, and we know that not everyone is a fan of Facebook. There were several reasons to choose it:

  • It has free content management tools that are suitable for what we need.
  • It allows for members to easily interact, something that is crucial in such isolated times.
  • Most people already have an account.
  • You can use it on your internet browser, without the need to download any apps.
I don't have a Facebook account. How can I access the group?
We are currently working on making these online contents available directly on our website.
Until then, you can easily create a fake Facebook account, with a fake name and without any personal information. You can even do this with a fake email (create one here). Then all you have to do is send us the link to your ‘ghost profile’ in the form at the bottom.
Can these contributions for the online classes later be converted into actual regular classes?

Yes! Whenever it is possible for us to reopen the studio and the regular classes, any contributions you have made for the current or upcoming months can be converted into credit for the regular classes. The exact values will of course depend on the timing of the reopening – for example, whether it’s at the beginning of the month or in the middle of it.